Glue from VMS for gluing parts from plastic model kit, which dries slow.
VMS Styrene Cements are finely tuned, extra thin, capillary action adhesives formulated to let you easily cement polystyrene parts. Glue comes in two variants: standard (fast) and delayed (slow). Use fast type for general cementing, employ slow type for parts that require longer open times such as figures (adjusting limbs) or cementing single track links - easy shape entire tracks, create sagging - tracks will remain flexible around 1 h before they start to stiffen. No brush included as during our packaging tests cap affixed brushes proved imprecise due to bristle size and bad grip. We advise using standard fine nylon brush for best control and results. Combine with: polystyrene Available volumes: 30 ml glass bottle Recommended techniques: fine nylon or red sable brush